Zhongyin (Chongqing) Lawyers Successfully Entered Air China Cargo Co.,Ltd Legal Services Library
Author: Zhong yin (Chongqing) law firm
Recently, Zhongyin (Chongqing) branch’s Chen Changyin, Ling Zhihong, Li Dan, and Liu Tianqi legal counsellors team successfully entered the comprehensive legal services project and labor law special legal services library of Air China Cargo Co.Ltd,(Air China Cargo). This legal counsellors team will provide high quality legal services for Air China Cargo with serious work attitude, rich experience, professional skills, and full work passion.
By the end of June 2017, Air China Cargo Co.,Ltd, taking Beijing and Shanghai as the hub, has opened a cargo flight from Shanghai to Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Saragossa, New York of North American, Chicago, Losangeles, Dallas, Edmonton, Tokyo, Osaka, Taipei, Chengdu, Chongqing, Tianjin, Zhengzhou and other international, domestic and region. Air China Cargo relies on global airline network, having reached 425 air lines in the world, and 190 global navigation points. It also has more than 1500 global ground truck routes as supplements to the cargo aircraft and the network of the airliner’s abdominal compartment, in Europe, the United States, Japan, Asia Pacific and other places, so that the goods can be quickly reached all over the world.
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